Youtube’s policy Not suitable for most advertisers

So …. YouTube will still “USE” me to share their advertiser ads, but do they mean that some of my videos do not qualify to be paid … if I were to get enough clicks to qualify to be paid if it is “Not suitable for most advertisers”?  I think I am having a dislexic episode attack LOL!  This is definitely too complicated for my brain!


Google’s Youtube – Not suitable for most advertisers

I understand.  I feel the same way.  I have principles, so I have a disclaimer on my website that states the following …

                                              MorningStar International
does not necessarily endorse all views expressed in articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products, services, views, opinion, advise given on this main page, and associated pages, links, websites, affiliates, blogs, social networks associated with MorningStar International  including but not limited to: Right in America, Right in San Diego, the Wandafay, Wanda Gladwill accounts, etc.  AND our advertisers do not necessarily agree or have to agree with us.
                                     We reserve the right to refuse advertisement
So I understand Google’s Youtube business having their own principles.  We are entitled to be selective and thank God for that right.  I just don’t get “Not suitable for most advertisers” when I hold myself accountable to NOT infringe upon copyrights of others and consider the content that I produce to not be offensive as to their Terms of Service.  BUT I am not an attorney and do not understand all the language in their terms of service statements.  It would be nice if they would explain things in plain language for dummies like me!
I confess, I need to continue to study and learn and commit myself to doing that!  I also confess I do NOT rely on Youtube for my income, nor are we a non profit organization so our income is not tax deductible.  And for the entire 24 years I have been “do what you love and the money will follow” has not worked for me LOL so I will continue to rely on my God to provide every need and I will continue to hold to my principles of doing what I love and seeking truth and sharing the truth that I believe in and know in terms of the bible, news, and news and prayer!  God bless YOU!